
Ability of Digest-All® to Improve Digestive Comfort and Function

Ability of Digest-All® to Improve Digestive Comfort and Function


一个随机, 双盲, Placebo-Controlled Study to Evaluate the Ability of Digest-All® to Improve Digestive Comfort and Function

irb号:irb -25-1


The purpose of this study is to evaluate the ability of a dietary supplement, 消化所有®, 改善消化系统的舒适度和功能.


30-day supplementation with daily (5-minute) questionnaire

$50 gift card and a certificate for 2 free bottles of 消化所有®



  • 50 healthy men and women who routinely experience digestive discomfort.


  • Participants who are between 18 – 60 years of age.
  • 身体质量指数的范围从20.0 to < 34.9 kg / m2. At least 80% of the cohort (40 participants) must have a body mass index less than 32.0公斤/平方米. The ideal cohort average for body mass index will be less than 30公斤/平方米 and must not exceed 31.0公斤/平方米.
  • Routinely (>1 time per week) experience digestive discomfort such as bloating, 回流, 恶心想吐, 或者在吃完某些食物后感到疲劳
  • In good health absent of being overweight or obese with no other signs or symptoms of cardiovascular, 呼吸, 代谢, 免疫, 精神病学, 或肌肉骨骼疾病或紊乱.
  • Not currently diagnosed with or being treated for any cardiovascular, 呼吸, 代谢, 免疫, 精神病学, 或肌肉骨骼疾病或紊乱.
  • Willing and able to: agree to the requirements and restrictions of this study, 给予自愿同意, and carry out all study-related procedures.


  • Positive medical history and/or is currently being treated for some form of heart disease, 心血管病, 神经疾病/疾病.
  • Current treatment for kidney disease, renal failure, or has dialysis performed on regular intervals.
  • Liver disease or some form of clinically diagnosed hepatic impairment.
  • Diagnosed with Type I or Type II diabetes (determined as fasting blood glucose > 126 mg/dL).
  • Diagnosed with or is being treated for some form of thyroid disease.
  • Diagnosed with major affective disorder or other 精神病学 disorder that required hospitalization in the prior year.
  • Diagnosed with some form of 免疫 disorder (i.e.艾滋病毒/艾滋病).
  • History of cancer (except localized skin cancer without metastases or in situ cervical cancer within 5 years prior to screening visit).
  • Has an abnormality or obstruction of the gastrointestinal tract precluding swallowing (e.g.(如:吞咽困难)和消化(如.g., 已知肠道吸收不良, 乳糜泻, 炎症性肠病, 慢性胰腺炎, 脂肪痢).
  • Has had any form of surgical intervention to the digestive system.
  • 新开的他汀类药物(i.e.,立普妥,利维罗,克力妥,卓康等.) within the past 3 months or you had your dosage changed by your physician within the past 3 months.
  • Newly prescribed a blood pressure reduction medication (i.e., Beta-blockers, ACE Inhibitors, Alpha blockers, Vasodilators, 等.) within the past 3 months or you had your dosage changed by your physician within the past 3 months.
  • Current smoker (average of > 1 pack per day within the past 3 months) or has quit within the past six months. 这包括所有形式的尼古丁.
  • Intake of any dietary supplements that are known or are purported to weight loss such as thermogenics, 羟基柠檬酸, 麻黄属植物, 辣椒素, 等.
  • Intake of any dietary supplements known or are purported to impact digestion or the body’s ability to digest food such as chitosan, 纤维, 消化酶, 噬菌体, 益生元, 益生菌, 等.
  • Intake of any medication (prescription or over-the-counter) or dietary supplement intended or known to provide gas relief
  • Intake of any medication (prescription or over-the-counter) or dietary supplement intended or known to function as an antacid
  • Intake of any medication (prescription or over-the-counter) or dietary supplement intended or known to function as a stool softener of laxative
  • Participants who are lactating, pregnant or planning to become pregnant.
  • History of alcohol or substance abuse in the 12 months prior to screening.
  • Receipt or use of an investigational product in another research study within 30 days of beginning the study protocol.
  • 他们计划生活方式的重大改变.e., diet, dieting, exercise level, travel, 等.)在研究期间.
  • Recent history (<3 months) of exercise training or weight loss (> 5%).


Information provided here reflects current IRB approval for this research. However, this information may be subject to change and updated accordingly.